JULY, 2012
C h a l l e n g e T h e O u t d o o r s , I n c .
Reflections of the President—Steve Lang
As this summer has gotten hotter, so has CTO’s activities. There was the newest addition to our events, the Walleye Hunt that went exceptionally well. I saw more walleye caught in a single day then I thought possible. I even saw one of our disabled members carrying a 41+” northern pike from the boat landing. WOW!
There’s always great attendance at J&H on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for the monthly Sporting Clay Shoot. The newly named Chasing Rainbows (formally Trout-O-Rama) and the new location was also a hit. There are many more that could be named from the past, but also so much more to look forward too!
Upcoming there is Musky Fishing, Deer & Waterfowl Hunting, the Membership banquet, a Timber Rattlers baseball game and that’s just the start of the actual list. CTO tries it’s best to offer something for everyone. This is something that we as an organization take pride in. We are always open to new ideas or ways that things could be improved also. If there is something you would like to see added for an event, feel free to email or tell a director or myself in person.
While doing all these different events, let’s all take some time and also remember this……
No matter if you are catching a monster fish, harvesting your 1st big game animal, or watching your 1st baseball game, the thing to always remember is the smile on your face and the smile also on person next to you is the reason CTO does what it does.
The Lake Michigan Fishing Event is being held on July 6 at Algoma and Two Rivers. Two Rivers leaves the harbor at 4:30am the latest, and Algoma leaves the harbor at 4:00am the latest. The boats will be boarding as soon as we can get the captains and fishing persons together. As soon as people boarded, the captains will set out. .
Right now both harbors are booked up, but we are taking names for a waiting list. If you sign up, we will fill --first on list gets first opening. Every year a couple of openings have opened for a person or two. I do not guarantee that this will happen but I will fill that space but no choice of harbor.
If interested, the fishing person must be a member and have a correct 2012 fishing license and stamp for Lake Michigan Salmon .
If you have any questions, please call me. (In case I am not home, leave a message on our answering machine and a correct phone number so I can call you back)
Call or send an e-mail E-mail-- palj22@att.net Phone-- 920-336-1934
Thank you,
Wayne and Judy Paluch
Our annual membership/awards banquet will be held at River Rail in Shiocton on Saturday July 28, 2012. At this time we will be electing new board members, recognizing donors and others, and having time to know other CTO members. Mark your calendars NOW and a registration form and reminder will be sent to members in early July. Hope to see you there. ALSO—if you think you or someone you know may be deserving of one of the awards please follow the instructions to apply.
7th Annual CTO Goose Hunt
This year’s Goose Hunt will be similar to last year’s! It will be held October 13th-14th, with people arriving the evening of the 12thth. If you arrive early enough on the 12th, you will be able to hunt then too! Second, anyone with a Wisconsin Class A or C disabled permit, will be able to get special tags for the hunt and STILL be able to hunt in the exterior zone. If you do not have a disabled permit, you will have to apply for goose tags in the Horicon Zone. Please note that this weekend coincides with the last weekend of the disabled deer hunt, so you will have to pick event you wish to attend that weekend and let the organizers know. Duck hunting will be open during these dates! This will give our hunters another added bonus and adventure in waterfowl shooting. If you’d like to sign up, or would like more information, please contact Steve Lang at steve71099@yahoo.com or 920-948-4847. There are a limited number of spots at this hunt and they are filling up fast, so the sooner you can contact us the better. We would also like to thank the WINNABEGO CONSERVATION CLUB for becoming a major sponsor of this great event. THANKS!!!!!
Ready for some Rattlers baseball?
Timber Rattlers vs. Cedar Rapids Kernels
When: Friday, August 10
Time: Meet outside the stadium at 5:00 p.m. Please try to be on time!
Where: Fox Cities Stadium
2400 N. Casaloma, Appleton, WI
We will be eating in the 1st base picnic pavilion again this year. The Rattlers staff will setup tables that are accessible for people in wheelchairs or scooters. Admission includes game ticket and an all-you-can-eat buffet (brats, hamburgers, potato salad, cookies, etc.) along with two beverages. The buffet will be served at 5:30 p.m. and will last until game time at 7:00 p.m. The Rattlers staff has scheduled this date to be a giveaway & fireworks night.
CTO will buy the tickets for its members, but the $5 parking fee is your responsibility. This event is open and free to all members. Guests are welcome, but will be responsible for buying their own tickets. Tickets cost $18.50 for adults/$14.50 for children 10 & un- der. The deadline to reserve your ticket(s) is July 23, so reserve your ticket(s) ASAP or you may miss out on a fun event! To reserve a ticket(s) contact Jim “Lefty” Luedke at: (920) 394-9338 or e-mail lefty081577@yahoo.com
Heads UP
Fall, 2012 Chasing Rainbows Date and Location Finalized
The Fall version of Chasing Rainbows will be held at the Wings Over Wisconsin Fishing Ponds a few miles east of Green Bay on Highway 29. The event is sent for September 15th and is co-sponsored by Wings Over Wisconsin and Challenge the Outdoors.
The Wings Fishing Pond(s) boasts excellent shore fishing amenities including two fishing piers. The pond we will be fishing in will be stocked with hundreds of rainbow trout about a week before the event and those fish should be quite hungry by Saturday the 15th. There will be a 5 fish per person limit.
The event will start at 8:30 am and runs until 2:00 PM. Lunch will be provided but CTO members are asked to bring a dish to pass. Detailed driving directions to the fishing area and other information will be given in a later newsletter and on the CTO Web Site.
NEW Renaissance Fantasy Faire
We are pleased to invite CTO members to experience the 3rd Annual Renaissance Fantasy Faire which will be held in Door County, just north of Sturgeon Bay. The event will take place the weekends of June 30—July 1 and July 7—8, 2012.
You may visit our web-site at http://www.doorcowirenaissance.com/ for more information about the event or find us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/RenaissanceFaire. Please contact Steve Harvey who is volunteering to help with this event and will be able to provide FREE admission tickets to a limited number of people. You can reach Steve at 920-494-3143
2012 Spring Turkey Hunt
Thanks to Shadows On The Wolf, Tom Mijal, and Rory Clark for a great hunt this year for the members of Challenge The Outdoors. Thanks to all the CTO members that help make this hunt a success. A special thanks to our new cook this year, Rita Adamovitch, who did a superb job. CTO had 11 disabled hunters and 12 SOW mentors that hit the woods on Friday. John Bonikowski called in a turkey for Joe England, he was the first to draw blood on Friday, but the turkey could not be found. On Saturday, and hunters saw deer and turkeys all day, but only deer came into the decoys. On Sunday mentor Brad Radtke called in a turkey for John Kempen who shot a 3year old Tom. Dave Wolf video taped Dennis Moericke tipping over a nice tom turkey, but it would not stay down. The weather was sunny and beautiful all weekend and everyone had a great time.
Challenge the Outdoors 3D Archery shoot
Again this year R&B Archery was a great event for trying different types of adaptive equipment. Shadows on the Wolf, lent CTO a LM100 shooting rig, that worked well for anyone with limited mobility. With the LM100 Peter was able to shoot a crossbow for the first time, consistently hitting the target on each shot. CTO had two crossbows, several shooting sticks, and a shooting chair for anyone who wanted to try their skill at shooting. Craig used CTOs shooting chair and with a little adaptation, Craig was consistently hitting the target. R&B archery is extremely wheelchair friendly with plenty of room for wheelchairs and equipment. The event started at10am with pizza and pop for lunch, and ended at 3pm.
How do you read this newsletter?
For the January issue of the CTO newsletter, 64 members read the news letter on line, which cost CTO nothing. At the same time, more than 319 members were mailed a hard copy of the newsletter which cost $.78 a copy for a total expense to CTO of more than $300. We are not even sure all of those newsletters are read. CTO publishes a newsletter 6 times per year which results in processing costs exceeding $2,000 annually. This cost does not include the many, many volunteer hours spent copying, collating, sealing and stamping the hard copy newsletters.
Needless to say, the $2,000 annual expense could be money better spent elsewhere in the organiza- tion. If you own a computer and receive a mailed hard copy version of the newsletter, please consider changing to getting your copy via email. We do not want to deprive anyone the opportunity to read the newsletter, but at the same time, it is much easier on both ends to get the newsletter via email.
Just send an email to Jean Chapman, chapjean1@yahoo.com asking that you be placed on the elec- tronic subscription list. We do not sell or give away our list of names, but if that thought bothers you, you can still read the newsletters anytime on line at our WEB site. Still email Jean to let her know you are reading the newsletter on our WEB site and don’t need the hard copy. Every penny saved here can be used elsewhere to help us help others enjoy the Great Outdoors. Thank You!!
2012 Annual CTO Spring Fish-A-Rama “Chasing Rainbows”
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Wilderness Springs Trout Ponds, New London, WI
Disabled CTO Member Attendees: (39 members) Able-bodied Helpers/Volunteers: (15)
Event Summary
This was our first trout pond event away from Zander Pond. Zander Pond was lost as a resource due to the passing of the owner. Wilderness Springs, a privately operated trout fishing facility was selected for several reasons including proximity, fish cleaning provided, bait provided, restrooms provided and a park-like setting. Participants could bring their own fishing gear or cane poles were provided by the owners. Participants were limited to three fish per person able or disabled. The largest fish caught weighed 2.35 pounds and was landed by CTO member Don Johnson.
The weather was excellent, sunny and warm. Participants ate lunch at picnic tables located under lofty shade trees. Lunch was provided by the CTO members, many who brought a dish to pass; and extra brats left over from an earlier event.
Access to the two fishing ponds was somewhat difficult due to slope and deep grass; however, volunteers made the trip to and from the ponds short work for those in wheelchairs and other mobility devices. Vehicle Parking and restrooms were adequate.
Total CTO costs for the event was $950.20. The cost was the charge by Wilderness Springs for the trout based on a per pound fee. The total Trout-a-Rama, (Now called “Chasing Rainbows”) budget for 2012 is $3,000. This leaves $2,049.80 remaining in this category for the Fall, 2012 event.
Co-chairs were Cliff Pheiffer and Jeff Pagels.
Future Planning Notes: At the time of writing this report, no negative comments were received regarding the event and one positive comment. The Fall Chasing Rainbows event will be held in the Green Bay area, thus having the spring event again at Wilderness Springs in the Spring of 2013 is reasonable. However, it would be better to identify a local service club willing to sponsor the event rather that burn out CTO Board members and volunteers who now are expected to do too much.
This report was prepared by Jeff Pagels 6/5/12
2012 CTO Pontoon Boat Season on Shawano Lake
The CTO Pontoon Boat, the “Challenger” will be put in the water by May 1st, 2012 for the summer season. The location and procedures will be the same as the last two years. (See our WEB site for the Challenger Operations Manual; click on the Fishing Button) The only change will be that the outdoor privy will not be available. (We are trying to save some money for more important uses!)
Once again, Gary Thyes will manage the Challenger including reservations, boat use training and is also available to drive the boat for lake tours if you ask him nicely. Gary can be reached at either 715-584-7700 or email him at garythyes@yahoo.com Reservations will normally be made in half day increments on weekends to give more members a chance to use the Challenger.
2012 Annual CTO Shawano Lake Fish-a-ree Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
Village of Cecil Public Access to Shawano Lake, WI
Disabled CTO Member Attendees: (25 members) Able-bodied Helpers/Volunteers: (29)
Event Summary (Preliminary)
This was our annual event always held on Wisconsin’s Free Fishing Weekend, which is usually the first weekend in June each year. The event was held at the Cecil Public Boat Launch in the Village on the shores of Shawano Lake from 8 am to about 2:00 pm. A large tent was rented to provide shelter from possible rain and shade. As is typical, about five Pontoon Boat owners and about five fishing boat owners provided their craft to take disabled members out fishing. Site amenities include accessible restrooms, fishing pier, launch pier and a paved parking lot. All the amenities were adequate for our use. A lunch, (with members bringing a dish to pass) was provided as was fishing bait.
The weather was a factor that is uncontrollable. High winds and waves limited fishing action and very few fish were caught. Nine fish were caught and entered into the CTO Biggest Fish Awards program.
A total CTO cost for the event was $581.67. The cost breakdown is as follows:
Tent Rental=$350.00
Fishing Bait=33.02
The 2012 Budget for this event was $1,000. Thus, there is $419.33 remaining to be transferred to other CTO Fishing events. CTO is grateful for the use of the various watercraft and the “donation” of an estimated $500.00 spent on boat fuel by volunteers not charged against the CTO budget. Co-chairs were Jean Chapman, Cliff Pheiffer and Jeff Pagels.
Future Planning Notes: At the time of writing this report, no negative comments were received regarding the event and one positive comment. There has been some discussion of moving the site to another location on Shawano Lake or the nearby Wolf River Backwaters. As with other CTO events, it would be better to identify a local service club in the area willing to sponsor the event rather that burn out CTO Board members and volunteers who now are expected to do too much.
This report was prepared by Jeff Pagels 6/10/12
CTO Awards Program in Jeopardy
The Awards Program has many entries in the shooting categories. However, that is about it for interest. And that is because of the many members involved in our shooting programs. Hunting entries is limited somewhat, but fishing entries are also almost non-existent. This could mean that our membership is very, very limited in finding opportunities to fish, hunt or even shoot. The need for more events or one on one partnerships is very apparent.
Most disappointing of all, is the lack of apparent interest in nominating fellow members for the Volunteer of the Year Awards and other awards recognizing CTO shining stars. At the time of this writing, no nominations have been received.
The CTO Board of Directors will review the Awards Program after the July 28th Banquet and decide whether to keep the awards program going.
Nominations for Volunteers of the Year, (able and disabled), Deep Dodo and Inspirational are open until July 1st. Nominations or feedback about the CTO Awards program can be sent to Awards Coordinator, Jeff Pagels by email, jcpagels@att.net or snailed to him at 1400 Carole Ln, Green Bay, WI 54313.
2012 1st Annual CTO Walleye Hunt
Thursday, June 7th, 2012
Brown County Bayshore County Park, WI
Disabled CTO Member Attendees: (16 members) Able-bodied Helpers/Volunteers: (30)
Event Summary
This was our first Walleye Hunt and hopefully we will have another one next year. The event was co- sponsored by CTO and Green Bay area professional fishing guides and fishing enthusiasts. Many of the able-bodied boat providers were members of local fire departments and rescue squads. However, guides brought fishing boats from as far away as Milwaukee, WI.
The event date was based on a day when the most guides could be available to take out disabled fish- ers. Of the 16 attendees, two were blind and nine were wheelchair users. Event organizers had a goal on one disabled person per boat and that goal was met except for a few situations where it was better to have two CTO members in a boat. There were sufficient volunteers to help load chair users in the boats.
The event ran from 6:30 am to about 2:00 pm. Bayshore County Park on the shores of Green Bay is a full service County recreation area with a harbor of refuge, campgrounds, picnic areas, restrooms and hard surfaced parking. It would have cost $100.00 to reserve an open pavilion, so we just pulled some picnic tables together under some shade trees for the 1:00 p.m. lunch.
The weather was hot and sunny with light variable winds. Over 100 walleyes and other fish including catfish, sheepshead, northern pike and perch were caught. Every boat caught fish, many ending up with limit catches. A 41 inch northern pike was the longest fish caught.
A total CTO cost for the event was $119.33.
The cost breakdown is as follows:
Food = $119.33
Total = $119.33
The 2012 Budget for this event was $350. Thus, there is $230.67 remaining to be transferred to other CTO Fishing events. CTO is grateful for the use of the various watercraft and the “donation” of an estimated $2,000.00 spent on boat fuel and bait by volunteers not charged against the CTO budget. Co-chairs were Tom Nelson, (Green Bay Fire Department, nelsont72@yahoo.com ) and Jeff Pagels, CTO.
Future Planning Notes: At the time of writing this report, no negative comments were received re- garding the event and many positive comments. As with many other CTO events, there was a great turnover of attendees who signed up for the event. Cancelations were fast and furious in the days leading up to the event; however, there was a waiting list. As luck would have it, everyone who signed up and could attend was offered a chance to attend. This is one of the first CTO events with a Non-CTO sponsor providing significant assistance. Tom Nelson arranged for all 15 boats as well as most of the food. (CTO paid for all the food except for dishes to pass.)
This report was prepared by Jeff Pagels 6/10/12
2012 Special Deer Hunt
The landowners are signed up and registered with the DNR and now it’s time for the hunters to look ahead to the hunt. This year’s Special Hunt runs from October 6, 2012 to October 14, 2012. The first thing needed is to find out how many of last year’s hunters will be hunting this year. In the next few weeks Pat Nieuwenhuis will be calling each of you to determine your interest for this year. If you haven’t heard from him by July 15th please give him a call at 920-687-8707.
ALSO: If you were not a part of last years hunt you must call Pat as soon as possible so you may be included this year.
For the last few years Seymour’s Music in the Park has designated a night honoring Challenge the Outdoors. This year it is on August 8th with 2 Tones at the gazebo on Depot Street, Downtown Seymour.
Please join us for a fun evening starting at 6:30 pm
Please check for a date on the mailing label of this newsletter. This date indicates when your dues are to be paid. Just complete the form on the last page and return with your payment.
Also—if you have a change of address and/or phone number please let us know. This will as- sure that you receive your newsletter on time.
Nominations 2012-2013 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Challenge the Outdoors Inc is soliciting nominations to serve on the Board of Di- rectors. As a Director you are asked to attend monthly Board meetings, generally held at 7:00 PM the third Tuesday of each month at the Muehl Public Library in Seymour, participate on various committees, developing policy and implementing outdoor events and opportunities for CTO members.
We have five Director positions to be filled each for 3 years. If you are interested in getting more involved in the leadership of your organization, and having your name placed in nomination for election to the board of Directors, please advise Keith Pamperin, Vice President and Nomination Chair at 920-494-3990 or kjpamperin@aol.com by July 1, 2012. Nominees will be placed on the ballot for election at our Annual Membership Meeting on July 28, 2012 at the River Rail in Shiocton.
If you would like to consider nomination as an Associate Director we will accept nominations at any time. We also have plenty of opportunities for persons to be involved at the committee or event level and welcome your participation. Please contact me if you have any questions. Keith Pamperin.
will be held on Saturday September 8, 2012 Watch for details in the next newsletter.
Our Challenge the Outdoors, Inc Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. We welcome your presence and input.
July 17, 2012 Options for Independent Living
Green Bay, 7:00 p.m.
Aug 20, 2012 J & H Game Farm (Monday)
Shiocton, 7:00 p.m.
If you wish to attend one of our meetings call (920) 525-1123 for a possible change in location.