January 2013

 President’s Holiday Message


This Holiday Season I am wishing all of our CTO members, families, friends and partners the opportunity to celebrate time and the warm connections with family and friends, the joy of giving back and a happy healthy new year! The holiday season can be a difficult time for those that feel alone, those who are missing someone they love; those that struggle to have a roof over their head, and those that feel the stress of meeting expectations of others. Keeping balanced, appreciative, calm and connected is easier said than done.

This is the season to reflect on what we are grateful for, not what is left undone. I am grateful for all the good people around me, and how my friends in CTO have taught me to face the challenges of life.

This is the season that your CTO Board of Directors will prepare a budget, and plan the events and activities we are able to offer to CTO members during the coming New Year. As we consider this process we find we cannot provide the opportunities without required financial resources. I ask that all our members, partners, and friends consider how you can help us develop the financial resources, which will allow CTO to continue to serve persons with disabilities. Please contact me with any ideas or contacts you may have.

I ask you to pray for Jean Chapman our faithful long-term Treasurer and mentor who is hospitalized and recuperating from some recent health issues. Jean, we want you back….and we promise to give you more help to keep CTO going!

So, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or the winter solstice, to name a few (for me it’s Christmas). Be kind to those around you, practice tolerance, reflect, remember what is really important, reach out and spread some good will. May your New Year be Happy, Healthy and Peaceful!


Keith A. Pamperin


Pioneer Credit Union Check-in 4 Charity

Calvin Richtig, Chairman


We received a donation from Pioneer Credit Union in the amount of $1,892 for the Check-in-4- Charity fundraising event that was held in October. The Facebook event, hosted by Pioneer Credit Union, asked its members to vote for their favorite local charity or non-profit organization during the month of September. The four winning charities were each assigned a week in

October at which time members would “check-in” on Facebook or Foursquare at any Pioneer Credit Union location using their smartphone. For every “check-in” during that week, Pioneer Credit Union donated $4 to the corresponding charity up to a maximum of $2500. During the week of October 15-20 there were 473 “check-ins” which resulted in our $1,892 donation. The event gave exposure to both Pioneer Credit Union and CTO via Facebook which is an ever- growing source of social media. Keith Pamperin and Jeff Pagels attended the check presentation luncheon on November 1 to receive the donation, and thank Pioneer Credit Union. Please be sure to thank any Pioneer Credit Union employee and/or participating member for making this donation possible. If you are seeking a bank or credit union to do your own personal finances, please consider Pioneer Credit Union as they have proven to be a great community partner that strives to make an impact.


CTO Holiday Party


When: 11:00 a.m. Saturday, January 26, 2013

Where: Clintonville Lanes, 250 County Highway I, Clintonville. This location is on the south side of Clintonville. Turn onto County Hwy I by the Shell gas station and Jenny’s restaurant.


The party starts at 11:00 with a potluck lunch being served at 12:00 p.m. and bowling will start about 1 p.m. Please bring one of your favorite foods. CTO will be providing the main course, paper products (plates, etc.), beverages, and door prizes.


Bring your bowling ball or use one of Clintonville Lanes. Several bowling alleys will be reserved. There will be adaptive bowling equipment on hand as well. CTO will be picking up the cost of bowling.


For those who aren't interested in bowling there will be cribbage boards and cards available. There might be a cribbage tournament if there are enough players.


In this season celebration of giving and receiving, we ask for a donation of a canned good or other non-perishable food item. The donated items will be given to a local food pantry.

Thank you!


If you plan on attending the party or have any questions please contact Peter Lathrop at (920) 982-4288 or e-mail plcaravan@yahoo.com. You may also contact Judy Paluch at (920) 336- 1934 or e-mail palj22@att.net.

 CTO’s New 10-52 Club (Preliminary Name) February 6, 2013

11 am – 4 pm


In the past year we’ve had members ask for new events that don’t necessarily have to do with the outdoors. Braving the elements, especially during the winter, can be difficult to say the least.

So…after seeing the popularity of bowling and cards at the Holiday Party, we’ve decided to try a monthly event that will give members an opportunity to get together for an indoor activity.


Clintonville Lanes, located just one block off Hwy 45 on County Trunk I in Clintonville, has offered to host a bowling league and card party on the first Wednesday of every month, beginning February 6th from 11 am to 4 pm. These events will be open to ALL CTO members, disabled and able-bodied alike. If we can get a core group to commit to the once a month event, we can form teams for the league. If not, we can run it as an individual league. This will be a handicap pin league so that everyone can compete on an equal level. For those that don’t care to bowl, we will also have tables set up for card playing. This is a great opportunity for members to get together during those long winter months.


The 10-52 Club stands for 10 pins and 52 cards, but some other names that have been suggested are: Pins and Pegs, The King Pins, Strikes Spares and More, etc. I’d like to ask everyone for ideas and we can pick a name at the Holiday Party. If you can’t make it to the party, please send your ideas to: steve.kettenhoven@gmail.com.


Green Bay Gamblers Hockey Game


When: Sunday, February 10th, 2013

Time:     Game time is at 3:00 p.m. vs. Cedar Rapids Roughriders.

Where: Resch Center 1901 S. Oneida St., Green Bay, WI

 CTO has 40 game tickets available. The game is open and free to all members. A member may bring a guest. To reserve a game ticket(s) contact Peter Lathrop at (920) 982-4288 or e-mail: plcaravan@yahoo.com

We will all be sitting in the wheelchair accessible section. Steve Harvey will handout gift cards at the game for people to purchase food and drinks.


Event parking is located at Lambeau Field and the lot can be accessed from Lombardi Avenue or Oneida Street. Handicapped parking is available in the Gold Lot with limited additional handicapped parking in the Blue Lot. Parking fees apply and parking is available on a first-come first-serve basis. Patrons who need easy access to the building but do not have a Department of Transportation disabled parking pass, may be dropped off in front of the building. However, the vehicle must be parked in the Lambeau Field Lot.

 The deadline to reserve your ticket(s) is January 26th which is the date of the Holiday Party. At the Holiday Party Steve Harvey will hand out the game tickets.

Challenge the Outdoors Sporting Clays Fundraiser April 6th, 2013

J & H Hunt Club and Sporting Clays Please Mark the Date


Challenge The Outdoors Inc. is a non-profit organization 501 (c) (3) that provides individuals with physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities with an opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities. We provide activities ranging from fishing, hunting, baseball games, boat rides, shooting sports, and many, many more.

This Sporting Clays fundraiser provides over 95% of all funds to run CTO. We DO NOT have any payroll expense, building, or land expense. 100% of all funds raised go directly into providing fun activities for the physically challenged.


Cost to shoot a 50 bird course is $25 (shoot 2nd time for $15). This INCLUDES food!!!!- (brats, beans, chicken booyah & more) DOOR PRIZE DRAWING FOR ALL SHOOTERS!!!!

There will also be a raffle at the fundraiser for those attending.



DURING THE EVENT!!!! SOME GREAT PRIZES!!!!! Look at the poster attached at the bottom of the page, or check out www.ctoforme.org and click on 2012 Fundraiser for information, or email ctoforme@yahoo.com for more information. We are willing to mail you tickets if you desire.


If you would like more information, would like to provide raffle prizes, or contribute to the success of CTO’s Sporting Clays Fundraiser Shoot, please contact Keith Pamperin, President at 920-494-3990.


You may also visit WWW.CTOFORME.ORG or email us at ctoforme@yahoo.com You may also write to Challenge the Outdoors, Inc.; N8154 Cty M; Shiocton, WI 54170




Spring Turkey Hunt

May 10-12, 2013


CTO and Shadows on The Wolf are planning a spring turkey hunt for May 10 -12, 2013 for its disabled members. Hunters will need a permit for the period E of the Wild Turkey season in zone 3.     

DNR application deadline is December 10, 2012, remaining permits will be sold on a first- come, first-served basis sometime in March at license sales locations. Lodging for the hunt will be at Christus Memorial Camp located a few miles from Clintonville. We will be accepting approximately 10 hunters and giving preference to 1st time hunters and to those who have not harvested a turkey.


Please email Cliff Pheifer at deb57ncliff55@gmail.com if you would like to hunt.

Pictures! Nominations! Stories!


Your award committee wants to reward you for doing what you enjoy. So if you are planning some fishing, hunting, trap shooting or sporting clays. Please turn in your picture and details about the fish, animal or your score. Don’t forget to tell us about your experiences for the Deepdodo award, or inspirational story. Please note that fenced hunts are not included in the awards. Also, we have removed the requirement for a picture of your fish with a ruler to verify the size. Let’s not forget about the volunteers. Tell us what the volunteers do that help out the

organization. Don’t know if they are able bodied or disabled? That’s fine; we can figure that out for you.                 Please email the information to Cindy Mateer at Pheasants_shadow@hotmail.com.


Highlights of Board of Directors Meetings


October 2012

·         There has been a lot more participants at the Tuesday Shoots this year. The Tuesday Shoots are held at J&H Game Farm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

·         The Board gave approval to purchase 1 bowling Champ Ramp up to $365.

 November 2012

·         The Pioneer Credit Union Check-In 4 Charity fundraiser earned CTO $1,892.

·         Jeff Alexander from WBAY-TV 2 did a story about the Abrams Project and interviewed Jeff Pagels and Keith Pamperin. Keith said the purpose of the story was to get people to go online and vote for the Abrams Project at fff.sportdog.com. Sportdog will be awarding a $25,000 grant to the conservation project that receives the most votes. People can vote daily until November 30th.

·         The Board gave approval to purchase another bowling Champ Ramp at around $350.